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Sore Feet

There are different reasons why you can experience sore feet. This kind of pain will felt for over using of your feet like walking, running, biking and also wearing high heels. Abusing your feet may lead to a serious injury and will make your life uneasy. This kind of pain will bother you and it will affect to some parts of your body.

It is very important to take good care of your feet. Make sure to check all the time if your feet are in good condition. Exercise is good but too much might lead to sore feet. Excessive running might cause your feet into pain because of the force in too much running. At times make your feet relax and massage it. The feet are the reason why you can still walk so have an extra care on it.

There are different cases of sore feet. There are some which are curable and no need to undergo medication. Like using a not comfortable foot wear and will lead your feet into wounds and its difficult for you to walk normally. You can feel your ankle is in pain. If the person is too fat it will also lead to your feet in pain because your body gain too much weight that can no longer handle your feet.

If you are experiencing extensive pain and can no longer be tolerated it would be better to seek for advise to a doctor specialising in the feet. It would be better to have a medication in the feet in the early stage of the sore feet to avoid future problems. Prevention is better than cure as the saying says. Knee injury and cause fracture of the bone would cause a big problem to your feet.

Doctors will give treatments depending on the soreness you experience. They will give appropriate medicines if applicable or any necessary treatments especially it causes already a big injury on your feet. You can avoid fractures and pain in the feet if you are not abusive of your feet. Always remember without the feet it will make life miserable.


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